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HomeClinical supportServices←Audiology - Paediatrics

Audiology - Paediatrics service

The paediatric audiology department provides specialist assessment and management of babies and children aged 0-16 with hearing problems, with close links to others professionals who have contact with these children.

Children who require a hearing aid are issued with the latest digital technology and we will continue to update this and provide care until they reach adulthood.

Accessing the service

Referral guidelines

Reasons for referral:


Concerns about hearing; parental or professional (please provide as much information as possible overleaf)


Any other concerns related to hearing e.g. tinnitus (please provide as much information as possible overleaf)


Speech delay with hearing concerns


Hearing loss with recurrent middle ear infections.


History of bacterial meningitis or meningitis with unknown causative agent AFTER a hearing screen (viral meningitis is not a risk to hearing)


Missed hearing screen (school or newborn)


Any medical condition or syndrome related to hearing loss e.g. Downs Syndrome


PLEASE NOTE This service is for hearing assessments only. For issues related to tonsils, adenoids, repeated ear infections or wider nose and throat problems please consider GP/ENT referral.

Who should be referred

Key documents

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