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HomeEducation & EventsBEST talks←BEST Localities August 2018

BEST Localities August 2018

Date: 15th August 2018


Suicide Prevention- Save a Life

Below is a 20 minute online e learning module , produced by Zero Suicide Alliance.
It discusses how we, as health professionals may identify patients who may be at risk of taking their own life and what actions to take.
It discusses real life cases , including the son of a GP who sadly committed suicide.
Save a Life. Take the Training
As the number of cases of suicide in Barrnsley is on the increase , with cases being reported to the police and reported in the paper regularly, Phil Ainsworth Barnsley's Health &Well being Officer- for Public Mental Health & Suicide Prevention is involved in looking at this important area and what can be done to improve how we deliver services , improve communication and take further steps to preventing suicide in Barnsley. A number of plans are in the pipeline , which we will hear of in the near future.




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