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HomeClinical supportServices←Children's Assessment Unit

Children's Assessment Unit service

The assessment unit exists to improve the service and quality of are given to children and their families. Its aim is to reduce unnecessary admissions by quickly assessing sick children who are referred through a variety of routes. The assessment, which is carried out by senior paediatric nurses can often prevent the emotional distress that being admitted to hospital can bring. The unit accepts children from birth up to their 16th birthday. 

The unit is open Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm (last referral will be taken at 7pm) Based on the 8th floor of the hospital it can be accessed through the children's ward. 

Accessing the service

Contact name

Vicky Caddick - sister

Amy Whitworth - HCA

Referral guidelines

If a referral to the Unit is necessary then the person referring needs to contact the main hospital switchboard 01226 730000 and ask to be put through to the children's assessment unit / bleep 342. Otherwise ask to speak to the paediatric SHO on call bleep 282. 

Who should be referred

Due to the location of the unit it may not be safe to send some patients direct to the unit. Patients appearing; lethargic, with increased work of breathing, with non blanching spots, ot any other illness that could lead to the patient deteriorating quickly need to be sent via the emergency department, where they will be triaged by the nursing team until stable enough to be sent to the unit. 

Also patients coming into the hospital via ambulance regardless of being referred to the unit need to be taken to A&E.

Related Referral forms

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