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HomeClinical supportServices←Domicilary Physiotherapy Service

Domicilary Physiotherapy Service service

The domiciliary physiotherapy service in Barnsley aims to provide a high quality service for adults over 16 years of age within their own home. The service provides assessment and treatment to housebound patients, residents in care homes and patients with complex needs affecting access to clinics.

We accept referrals for a variety of musculo-skeletal, neurological and respiratory conditions, falls and mobility problems. We provide a full comprehensive holistic assessment, individualised exercises programmes, pain management, electrical therapy treatment and additional specialist assessments are completed depending on the patients symptoms. E.g. falls, neurological, chest assessments

We also run choose and book respiratory clinics, a drop in mobility clinic and a self referral telephone triage clinic for mobility equipment.

We provide a physiotherapy service to Barnsley Hospice.

Accessing the service

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