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HomeClinical supportServices←Intermediate Care Service

Intermediate Care Service service

The intermediate care service is provided to patients after leaving hospital or when they are at risk of being admitted to hospital.

The intermediate care service is made up of:

Rapid response service
Operating 24/7 as an alternative to hospital admission. The team undertakes intervention outside of service hours for district nursing, urology, palliative care, home enteral feeding and other specialist nurses. People are supported in their own home, nursing home etc, according to their need and level of dependency.

The hospital at home service
The team provides rehabilitation to medically stable residents in their own home and residential care. The service provides specialist community therapy assessment and treatment to improve health and independence. In addition, the service offers rehabilitation to enable earlier discharge from hospital.

Contact name

01226 644552 (Hospital at home)

01226 644560 (Rapid response)

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