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HomeClinical supportServices←Iron deficiency anaemia service

Iron deficiency anaemia service service

BDGH has a dedicated nurse led Iron deficiency anaemia service. All patients that have not had previous/ recent (in the last 3 years) GI investigations need to be referred to the IDA clinic to rule out GI causes of iron deficiency anaemia rather than haematology. 

The nurse led Iron deficiency anaemia clinic is a dedicated service which streamlines patients with iron deficiency anaemia, ensuring that patients are adequately assessed and the importance of GI investigations is discussed in detail with the patients so patients are fully informed as to why we are investigating. Patients are then followed up and monitored following investigations.

If patients are identified as been Iron deficient anaemic please refer to the dedicated Iron deficiency anaemia clinic.

This service can be located on choose and book. 

The Iron deficiency Anaemia Service is a dedicated service to rule out GI causes of Iron Deficiency Anaemia. This is not a Iron Infusion Service.

Accessing the service

Contact name

 Stacey Ward 


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