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HomeClinical supportServices←Tissue Viability

Tissue Viability service

Support offered

The service provides a range of specialist wound management including:

Wound Care Formulary

Accessing the service

Referral guidelines

Inclusion Criteria

The service accepts patients with:

· a wound or who is at risk of developing a wound.

· a category 3 or 4 pressure ulcer.

· severe moisture associated skin damage.

· a leg ulcer (patients must have a recent recorded / attempted ABPI manual and have commenced compression therapy if ABPI’s are between 0.8 - 1.3 and there is less than 30-40% healing at 4-6 weeks or non-healing after 8 weeks).

Exclusion Criteria

The service is unable to accept patients for the following issues:

· patients with Lipoedema and Secondary Lymphoedema and intact skin.

· patients with a Leg Ulcer:-

- without a manual ABPI recorded or attempted.

- with ABPI’s that are between 0.8-1.3 and appropriate compression therapy has not been commenced.

· wounds below the ankle or on the feet.

· patients aged under 18 years old and those NOT registered to a Barnsley GP practice and / or resident within the Barnsley geographical area.

Referral criteria updated May 2024

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