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HomeNews←Barnsley and Rotherham Integrated Laboratory Services

Barnsley and Rotherham Integrated Laboratory Services

Date: 09 November 2020

The Blood Sciences department will be moving onto a new Urine Protein method on 11/11/2020 as the current method is being discontinued. The new method has shown a significant shift in results for very low urine protein concentrations and, consequently, a large positive shift in protein : creatinine ratio (PCR) results in those samples. 

Therefore, we have decided that we will only report PCR on samples with a urine protein of 0.3 g/L or greater ( 1+ on Siemens Multistix urine dipstick).

Please be aware that samples with urine protein results less than 1.0 g/L may still see a positive shift in calculated PCR by 10 – 30%. 

In patients with either Trace or 1+ protein in their urine on dipstick analysis, please request both an albumin : creatinine ratio (ACR) and PCR, as ACR is more sensitive at lower urine protein levels. Alternatively, consider measuring 24-hour urine protein. 

Please contact Cat Dibden, Consultant Biochemist, via e-mail if you have any queries about this change.


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