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HomeNewsMedicines Management Newsletter←Children's wellbeing practitioners

Children's wellbeing practitioners

Date: 04 August 2021

CWP’s offer 6-10 sessions of Low Intensity CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to children and young people who are struggling with low level mental health difficulties. They work together with the child, young person and family/carers to help find ways to manage and overcome their difficulties.

We can work with young people who are:

Because we offer Low Intensity CBT, we cannot work with young people who:

These young people may benefit from high intensity model of support, to access this kind of support we would advise young people to arrange an appointment with their GP. We know it can be difficult reaching out and talking about mental health, and if a young person you are working with needs some support preparing for their GP appointment we would highly recommend the ‘DocReady’ app/ website: Doc Ready. Our mental health passport is also a secure way for young people to store and share their information

For more information or to make a referral contact:

Olivia Harvey 07415878967

Amber Scarfe 07971951563


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