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GP Resource Pack for Childhood Immunisations

CHIS SOP - The Child Health service Standard Operating Procedure for your locality, which documents their procedures for scheduling/appointing, missing immunisations and refusals and suspensions.

CHIS Example of Date and Time Appointment Letter 

CHIS Open/Call to Book Appointment Letter - A copy of the letter CHIS send out for open appointment (parent to ring to arrange date and time)

GP text message reminder for childhood Immunisations, Systm1 and Emis (307 characters)

GP text message reminder for childhood Immunisations, Accurx (614 characters)

CHIS Generic waiting list email - A copy of the generic email sent by CHIS with waiting lists highlighting ways in which they can further support GP Practices to reduce outstanding/overdue vaccination numbers

Generic Suspension Template - A copy of template which GP Practices can complete and return to CHIS in order to suspend a child from the vaccination programme

Generic Refusal Template - A copy of template which GP Practices can complete and return to CHIS in order to remove a child from the vaccination programme

Computer programme missing Imms - more details to follow regarding this 

Duty Desk Out of Office Slide - South Yorkshire Immunisation Team duty desk (for queries and reporting Incidents, email: useful contact and guidance information slide

BCG details slide - Information and contact details re BCG vaccination for children of varying age ranges (following negative SCID result)

Vaccine Incident Guidance - Gov.Uk Guidance document to help providers and commissioners of immunisation services decide on the appropriate response to vaccine incidents.

Vaccine Missing immunisation Guidance - Gov.Uk One page summary for health professionals and immunisation practitioners giving vaccinations to individuals with uncertain or incomplete immunisation status. Reviewed and updated as required

Free Vaccination Stickers - Website details to order vaccination stickers free of charge: Butterfly and Bear

Vaccination Posters - Vaccination posters /flyers in various languages to promote uptake of vaccines 

National Campaign websites (leaflets and posters) Home - Health Publications

Adolescent School Age Immunisations

Barnsley specialist children's health - South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (

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