CNS: Dosulepin (APC approved)
Due for review31 May 2025
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Directory of all contact numbers
Barnsley Hospital
01226 730000 (GP number - 01226 771912)
Barnsley Hospice
01226 244244
Kendray Hospital
01226 434228
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Sheffield Children's Hospital
0114 271 70 00
2 week wait helpdesk
01226 432000
01226 432788
Ambulance Control
01709 828829
SDEC units (previously AMAC)
01226 436313 (Surgical)
01226 432452 (Medical)
Cancer Nurse Specialists
Link to contacts
Children's Admissions
Children's Assessment Unit
01226 432664
Community MSK Service
01226 644858
Maternity Services
01226 432542
Rheumatology advice
Rheumatology tel numbers
Spectrum: Genitourinary Medicine
0800 0556442
Microbiology Lab - 01226 432687
Lab Manager - 01226 433044
Bacteriology Lab - 01226 432687
Virology Lab - 01226 432726
Consultant Advice:
Consultant Medial Microbiologist and Director of Infection Control
- 01226 432749 or 434986 (bleep 207)
Secretary - 01226 432825
Medical Imaging queries (Xray/Ultrasound/MRI) - 01226 432550
Xray appts - 01226 432199
Ultrasound appts - 01226 432638
RightCare Barnsley Integrated Single Point of Access
01226 644575
Adult Epilepsy / BREATHE / Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab
Community Matrons / Continence / DVT referrals /
Heart Failure / Lymphoedema / Macmillan Nurses /
Neighbourhood Nursing (District Nurses) /
Neighbourhood Rehabilitation / Parkinson's Nurse /
Supportive Care at Home / Tissue Viability /
Urgent Community Response
Single Point of Access (MH) 01226 64500 option1
CAMHS - 01226 644829
Branching Minds - Children - 01226 107377
Crisis Support (Adults) - 01226 645000
Crisis Support (Children's) - 01226 644829
Crisis Support (LD) - 01226 645237
Barnsley Recovery Steps (Substance Misuse)
01226 779066
NHS Barnsley Talking Therapies
01226 644900
Hey! The Mental Health Charity (Children)
01226 872120
Substance Misuse - 01226 705980
0-19 Nursing Service (Health Visitors and School Nurses)
01226 774411
Barnsley Integrated Diabetes Services - 01226 240086
Community Paediatrics - 01226 644876
Head of Safeguarding: Angela Fawcett
07887 530291
Safeguarding Children: Sharon Tyne
07584 143655
Safeguarding Adults: Gillian Pepper
07769 367725
Out of Hours Emergency - Adults
01226 787789
Out of Hours Emergency - Children's
01226 774466
Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS)
01226 320112
Modern Slavery Helpline
08000 121700
Coroners' Office / further info
01142 738721
Infection Prevention and Control
01226 432825
Infectious Disease Reporting (Public Health out of hours)
03003 030234
IT Helpdesk
0114 3051030
Medicine Information Service
01226 432857
Medicines Optimisation Team
01226 433798
SYICB South Yorkshire ICB
If you can't find a number above try the service directory.
Directory of all diagnostic tools. Shortcut to Local Pathways
BH Haematology/Biochemistry lab service
Cancer- Vague Symptoms Pathway
Diabetes Diagnosis- WHO Criteria
Diabetes - HbA1c targets in Type 2 Diabetes in Adults
Children and Young People with Suspected Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes
Family History recording sheet
Height -Weight conversion Adults / BMIchart
Height-weight conversion Children
NEWS -National Early warning Score
Sepsis tools - children / adults
Oral Fluids for Child with vomitting
Paeds: Traffic Lights identifying risk/ vital signs normal range
Screening guide - NHS National screening Programme
Screening Guide Antenatal & Newborn
Screening Guide Barnsley Antenatal & Newborn
SYB Commissioning for Outcomes ( old clinical thresholds)
Suspected Cancer-referral criteria
Hypercalcaemia / Hyperkalaemia
Hypocalcaemia / Hypokalaemia / Hyponatraemia
Severe Hyperlipidaemia / Lipid management - Primary prevention / secondary prevention
Rotherham Haematology Top Tips
ABCD2 Score -TIA / Barnsley TIA Clinic Referral Form
Migraine management in Primary care
Asthma Peak Flow Monitor chart
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia- Simon Broome Criteria
Hypertension diagnosis and treatment/ Home Blood Pressure monitoring
Well's Criteria for DVT / DVT Pathway/ Wells Score for PE
Bristol Stool score / Laxative guidelines
IBS Diagnostic pathway / IBS treatment
Prostate IPSS / fluid input/output chart /LUTS pathway
Gestational Diabetes primary care follow up
HRT- Post menopausal Bleeding on HRT Pathway
PMS- Premenstrual syndrome diary
Antenatal and newborn screening
Children and young people with suspected newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes
Height - weight conversion children
Oral fluids for child with vomiting
Paeds traffic lights identifying risk / vital signs normal range
Sepsis toolkit / adults and children
Autoantibody test interpretation
Bone Health / Osteoporosis / Bisphosphonates
Dermatology Quality of Life Index DQLI
Polymyalgia Rheumatica Pathway
SKIN lesion recognition table 1/ table 2 / lesion terminology
If you can't find a tool above, try the directory of all diagnostic tools.
Directory of all prescribing guidelines.
NICE Summary of Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidance
Antibiotic Guidelines/ UTI algorithm
Antidepressants- switching and withdrawal guidance
Barnsley Care Home Influenza outbreak SOB
Diabetes Guidelines / Diabetes treatment algorithm /HbA1C treatment targets
UKMEC 2016 contraceptive summary table /UKMEC guidelines
Vitamin D Guidelines / Calcium and Vitamin D formulary
Anxiety and Panic Disorder Management
Migraine management in Primary Care
Anti-Emetics Nausea/vomiting/vertigo
Asthma - Barnsley Asthma Guidelines
AF-Choice of DOAC for prevention of stroke/systemic embolism
AF-Anticoagulation in Stroke Prevention for Non Valvular AF
Lipid Mx pathway -primary prevention
Laxatives / Bristol Stool Score
Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) Prescribing Guidelines: Adults aged 18 years
Oral Nutrition - All Guidelines and Algorithms
Orlistat guidelines- see Appendix for summary
HRT-Unscheduled Bleeding guidance
HRT- Post menopausal Bleeding on HRT Pathway
LUTS lower urinary tract symptoms in men
Overactive Bladder Treatment in Women
Contraception- UKMEC summary Sheets/ UKMEC current clinical guidelines
Osteoporosis Management in Primary Care
Polymyalgia Rheumatica Pathway
CROP- Campaign to Reduce Opiate Prescribing
End of Life/Pre-emptive prescribing/Palliative care formulary
If you can't find a guideline above try the directory of all prescribing guidelines.
Directory of all patient information sheets. Care Navigation/ First Port of Call
Atrial Fibrillation and other arrhytmias/ Management information sheets
Barnsley Talking Therapies workshops
Bronchiolitis advice for children
Cancer patients local services
DNACPR form / What happens if my heart stops
Exercise -Health Referral Scheme- information and form
GFF Weight Watchers / Slimming World
Home Blood pressure monitoring chart
Taking Iron supplements / Ferinject information
Periods information for young people
Sick children - general advice for parents
Suicide Prevention Support Services
Breast pain diary/ Menstrual diary /Pre Menstrual Symptom Diary
Fluid input/ output Diary for bladder symptoms
Headache diary/monthly diary/Childrens Headache diary
Diet Sheets Cholesterol /weight loss / low fat-low cholesterol
Diet Sheets IBS Patient info / Fibre
Diet Sheets OA / Vit D / Osteoporosis
Diet Sheets Menopause
Dietitian service appointment information
urge incontinence bladder training / stress incontinence pelvic floor exercises
2 week wait info sheet / 2ww Gynae
Advanced Statements & Advanced Directives
Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination
Early Help A guide for Parents and Carers
URTI - Treating Your Infection/ Cough / Sore Throat / Ear infection
Fever in Children- what to look out for
Rotherham advice for managing children 0-5 with minor illness
If you can't find an information sheet above try the directory of all patient information sheets.
Directory of all investigation and referral forms. Local Pathways Shortcut
2ww referral criteria/ patient 2ww letter
Advice and Guidance from Barnsley Hospital
Coroner's office and referral from
Exercise- Health Referral Scheme- information / referral form/inclusion criteria
Public Health Notification From
SYB Commissioning for Outcomes ( old clinical thresholds) / Get Fit First
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME blood test
Headache/ Brain Imaging criteria
Migraine management in Primary Care
Suicide Prevention Support Services
Talking Therapies Workshop- Barnsley
ENT Management / Referral guidelines
RACP Rapid Access Chest Pain clinic/Patient Information Letter
GP Referral Pathway for Children and Young People with Suspected Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes
National Diabetes Prevention Programme
Diabetic Eye Screening Referral
Gestational Diabetes primary care followup
Food allergy reporting commercial premises
Autoantibody test interpretation-to refer or not to refer
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME blood test
Dermatology Quality of Life Index
First Contact Physio referral criteria
Giant Cell Arteritis/Temporal Arteritis
Osteoporosis Management in Primary Care
Polymyalgia Rheumatica Pathway
Rheumatology Referral Guidance
Specialist Palliative Care Referral Form
Hypercalcaemia / Hyperkalaemia
Hypocalcaemia / Hypokalaemia / Hyponatraemia
If you can't find a form above, try the directory of all investigation and referral forms.
Barnsley Healthcare Federation
Barnsley NHS Talking Therapies service
BMJ e learning - using own password
Clinical Knowledge Summaries - NICE
Clinical Knowledge Summaries - Monthly New Updates
DermNet/ PCDS (Primary Care Dermatology Society)
DVLA :Assessing Fitness to Drive: A Guide for Medical Professionals
Electronic Staff Record (including Stat/Mandatory training)
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health - Standards & Guidance
If you can't find a website above, try the directory of useful websites.
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