BEST July 2015: Alcohol & Drugs / Use & Misuse
Substance misuse
Substance misuse
- Alcohol abuse
- Phoenix Futures
- Illicit drugs
- Legal highs
- Prescription drug abuse
Guest speakers:
- Dr Gordon Gibbons,
- Claire McEvoy,
- Robert Nyland,
- Chris Lawson,
- Dr Gayle Smith,
- Dr Fleur Ashby
Abuse of Alcohol, Illicit Drugs and even prescribed Drugs is a great burden both in terms of financial cost, clinical impact and social impact to patients and their relatives. The ease of acquiring "Legal Highs" and the important role of services such as ADDACTION and Phoenix Futures is covered.
Abuse of Prescribed Drugs- Dr. Gordon Gibbons
Dr Gordon Gibbons, GP
The growing problem of abuse of prescribed analgesic and sedative drugs is covered. He includes drugs such as Tylex, Oromorph and MST in the elderly, Diazepam, Pregabalin. Finally he provides useful tips on how we should recognise and try to attempt to reverse this problem in our patients once it is recognised.
Alcohol Misuse in Primary Care- Dr.Gordon Gibbons
As a GP with a long term interest in Substance Misuse, Dr.Gibbons delivered a perfect Gp orientated talk on how alcohol permeates so many clinical scenarios we encounter in our day to day practice. He expands on the difference between Hazardous, Harmful and Dependant drinking; the use of the Audit C tool and the positive impact of "Brief Interventions" delivered by ordinary primary health care professionals like ourselves in reducing alcohol drinking in our patients.
Illegal Drug Use- Dr.Fleur Ashby
Dr Fleur Ashby, Consultant in Substance Misuse
Dr.Fleur Ashby elaborates on what exactly "Addiction" is, the Dopamine Theory of addiction, factors leading to addiction, he classification and effects of these drugs and of course the Treatment approaches available.
A few of the shared care drug guidelines eg for Disulfiram, Naltexone, Nalmefene and Acaprosate have been attached as supporting documents .
Phoenix Futures- Claire McEvoy
Claire McEvoy, Service Manager , Barnsley, Recovery Navigation Service
Claire expands on the structured pharmacological , psychosocial, and recovery intervention Programmes that are delivered by this service to any person with Substance misuse problems, be it Alcohol, illicit drugs or Psychoactive Substances.
PsychoActive Dugs- "Legal Highs"- Dr. Gayle Smith
Dr Gayle Smith, Specialist trainee in Psychiatry
The psychological and clinical implications and hazards of these easily accessible "legal highs" or now renamed as "psycho active" drugs is presented by Dr.Gayle Smith.
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