TADS-Therapies for Anxiety, Depression and Stress for young persons
01226 872120
Brain and mental health PaediatricsTADS Therapies for anxiety, depression and stress - young persons wellbeing project
TB Tuberculosis
01226 731686
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - Physical Health
Laboratory investigations and Infections Respiratory and Smoking -
Termination of Pregnancy- BPAS - British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Other organisations
Women's and Sexual Health -
The Exchange Recovery & Wellbeing College, Barnsley
01226 730433
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - Mental Health Services
Brain and mental health -
The Well - therapeutic services for cancer patients
01226 733019
Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People -
Tissue Viability Service
01226 645180 general
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - Physical Health
Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Cardiovascular and Lipids Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology -
Ultrasound Department- see Radiology
01226 432270
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Ultrasounds are provided by the Radiology department.
Upper GI Gastro-intestinal Service
01226 432000
Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Gastroenterology
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