
Clinical support by body system
Service type
  • Coroner - Barnsley

    0114 2734004

    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People

    Coroner - Barnsley

  • Coroner- Rotherham

    01709 832031

    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People

    Coroner- Rotherham

  • Crisis Team

    01226 644150

    Brain and mental health

    Crisis Team

  • CT Scan see Radiology

    01226 434340

    Laboratory investigations and Infections

    CT Scan see Radiology

  • Day Surgery and Endoscopy Unit

    01226 432906 or 432645

    Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Gastroenterology Laboratory investigations and Infections Renal, Urology and Mens Health

    Day Surgery and Endoscopy Unit

  • Deanery

    0114 2264401


  • Dentist- Emergency for non-patients


    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Ophthalmology and ENT

    Dentist- Emergency for non-patients

  • Dermatology

    01226 432257 / 432072 / 432116

    Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology Renal, Urology and Mens Health Women's and Sexual Health


  • DEXA Scanning Service

    01226 432550

    Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology
  • Diabetes and Endocrinology

    01226 432379

    Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

    Endocrine and Diabetes Ophthalmology and ENT Paediatrics Renal, Urology and Mens Health Women's and Sexual Health

    Diabetes and Endocrinology

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