Adult Epilepsy Nursing Service
Barnsley adult epilepsy nursing service is locally-driven and has been developed to meet the specific needs of the patients living in Barnsley
The service delivers against the service specification led by the commissioners
We provide a very high standard of individualised care for people living in Barnsley who have epilepsy.
Support offered
- Medicines management
- Education
- Training
- Preconception advice and monitoring throughout
- Employment support
- To gain effective seizure control to reduce risk to mortality and improve general health and wellbeing.
- To empower patients and encourage self management
- To empower people with epilepsy to live a full and active life by addressing lifestyle issues.
- To educate patients, carers, support staff and the public to increase knowledge and reduce the impact of stigma for patients with epilepsy
- To ensure a safe diagnosis
- To reduce the risk of maternal death and babies born with birth defects
Accessing the service
- Tel: 01226 644575
- Email:
Complete the referral form on the patient clinical system.
Or complete the Referral form below and email to the above email address
Referral guidelines
Referrals accepted from:Consultants, GPs, Other NHS services, Other Trust services, Patients (self-referral)
Who should be referred
Referral criteria
- The adult specialist epilepsy nursing service provides support to patients:
- aged 16 and over and who either reside in Barnsley or is registered with a Barnsley GP
- who have a diagnosis of epilepsy
- who have an existing epilepsy treatment/management plan (created within the last 5 years by a Consultant Neurologist)
- Patients under the age of 16
- Patients that do not reside within the Barnsley Borough or who are not registered to a Barnsley GP practice
- Patients that have not received an assessment with a Consultant Neurologist (only patients that have been issued a Consultant Neurologist management plan within the last five years can be accepted)
- Alcohol withdrawal seizures (seizures within 48 hours of stopping drinking alcohol)
- Seizures in relation to use of cocaine
- Non-epileptic attacks with no history of epilepsy and no ongoing treatment changes
- Medication supply issues
Updated: December 2024
Clinical support group
Brain and mental health
Clinical support area
Service typeEpilepsy
ProviderSouth West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - Physical Health
Telephone01226 644575
Email address
Conditions and indicators
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