Age UK Barnsley
We offer a comprehensive range of services to older people across the Barnsley borough, including:
- One-to-one support
- Activity groups and classes
- Affordable shopping support
- Handyperson service
- Gardening service
- Foot care, hairdressing, massage, and nail treatments
- Day activity and care to address social isolation
Additionally, our free Information & Advice service provides valuable information on keeping warm and well, accessing care, older persons' benefits, benefits checks, and much more. During winter, we offer a free Warm Homes Advisor service, including the fitting of insulation items, partly funded by BMBC through Household Support Grants.
Our experienced staff and volunteers have comprehensive knowledge of benefits for older people and a good awareness of local facilities and services. If we are unable to provide you with the information or advice that you need, we aim to signpost you to an appropriate organisation. We are able to offer home visits and pre-arranged appointments where circumstances make it necessary.
Updated: December 2024
Accessing the service
Clinical support group
Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People
Clinical support area
Service typeCare of the elderly
ProviderOther organisations
Telephone01226 776820
Email address
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