Community Palliative Care Sevices
The community specialist palliative care team support people with advanced progressive illness and their families. Referrals to the team can be made from the point of diagnosis to last hours/days of life. The specialist team includes:
- clinical nurse specialists
- palliative medicine consultants
- physiotherapist
- occupational therapist
- speech and language therapist
- dietician
- social worker
Support offered
- Following an assessment a plan of care will be developed in partnership with the person and, if appropriate, their family
Intervention provided may be at different levels according to the person’s needs:
- Level 1 Sign posting and education or telephone advice/support for other professionals
- Level 2 Support and education for other staff at a one off home visit
- Level 3 Complex needs identified which require short term involvement
- Level 4 Person has on going complex need requiring longer term involvement.
Care interventions may include:
- Education for the person, family and other professionals to maximise quality of life
- Symptom management support including pharmacological and non pharmacological management, this may include management of pain, sickness, breathlessness, anxiety
- Managing emotional distress this may be for the person, their family including children and including bereavement preparation
- Support for the person and their family to develop strategies to maximise their level of function, quality of life and self care. This may include mobility, eating and drinking, fatigue management, aids and adaptations, social and spiritual issues, adjustment to the impact of their illness and treatment.
Accessing the service
Clinical support group
- Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People
- Cardiovascular and Lipids
- Laboratory investigations and Infections
- Respiratory and Smoking
Clinical support area
Service type
- Cancer
- End of life
- Specialist community nursing
ProviderSouth West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust - Physical Health
Telephone01226 645280
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