
The Parkinson’s service provides care to patients, carers and families in Barnsley, enabling those patients who are newly diagnosed and throughout their illness to benefit from being managed in an environment suited to their individual needs.

The service provides individualised care, empowering people to manage their condition with the purpose of improving quality of life, improved access to services closer to home and greater choice of service provision.

The Parkinson’s service works closely with the consultant neurologists and elderly physician at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. They also work alongside general practitioners and other health and social care professionals to promote effective management of the condition

Accessing the service

The preferred referral route into the Barnsley Parkinson’s Service will be via email to the RightCare Barnsley Integrated Single Point of Access (SPA) using the following email address: -

Primary care colleagues wishing to e-refer via TPP SystmOne into the Barnsley Parkinson’s Service can do so via the e-refer option but please ensure that relevant referral information is contained within the e-referral narrative supplied.

Referral guidelines

Consider referring patients that meet the following referral criteria:-

Patients aged 18+ who are registered to a Barnsley GP practice and / or resident within the Barnsley geographical area who:

  • Have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s or have they a Parkinson’s condition?
  • Or patients diagnosed with the following conditions can also be referred to the service:

MSA- multi system atrophy                                    

PSP- progressive supranuclear palsy                    

CBD- corticobasal degeneration                            

LBD- Lewy body dementia.                                   

Updated:  January 2025

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