Radiology - CT Scan - MRI - US - Xray
Please find below a list of useful contact numbers for more information.
General Enquiries:
Main department 01226 432550
Obstetric and Gynaecology ultrasound 01226 431799
Breast services Screening 01226 432100
Symptomatic clinics 01226 433984
CT and MRI 01226 434340
Nuclear Medicine 01226 432689
General Ultrasound 01226 432638
Fluoroscopy (barium meals and enemas) 01226 434311
GP plain film 01226 432199
Obstetric and Gynaecology ultrasound 01226 432270
Breast services Screening 01226 432100
Symptomatic clinics 01226 433984
For more information on our medical imaging department, contact Liz Elfleet, Medical Imaging Directorate Manager on 01226 431938 or email
Clinical support group
- Cancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People
- Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology
- Laboratory investigations and Infections
- Respiratory and Smoking
Clinical support area
Service type
- Radiology
- Laboratories
ProviderBarnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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