Retinal screening

The Barnsley Hospital Retinal Screening department is based in the Diabetes Centre and provides annual retinal screening for people with diabetes.

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday - 8:45am to 4:00pm
Friday - 8:45am to 12:30pm

Healthcare provided

Diabetes can affect the eye in a number of ways. The most serious of these involve the retina in your eye. The blood vessels in the retina (the light sensitive area at the back of the eye) can become “leaky” or blocked, leading to a condition called diabetic retinopathy.

This condition may lead to bleeding or scarring in the centre of the retina, which if severe cases can lead to loss of sight.

In the early stages you cannot tell if your eyes have been damaged by diabetes.

That is why it is important that you have your eyes screened every year, so that if any problems are found then treatment can begin, to stop them getting worse.

Once a year people with diabetes will be invited via letter to attend for their eye screening.

Types of retinal screening

In the first instance, you will have a 'primary grading' retinal screening. If there are possible issues detected, you may have more screenings.

Primary Grading

This is undertaken by one of the Retinal Screeners who have been trained to the required national standard. If the primary grading assessment shows no abnormalities then a letter is sent directly to the patient and GP.

Secondary Grading 

Secondary grading is undertaken if any type of abnormality is detected during primary grading. In addition to this, a random 10% of all images identified as normal on primary grading undergo secondary grading, for quality assurance purposes

Arbitration Grading

This grading stage provides a quality assurance measure. For any images where there is a difference in opinion between the primary and secondary grading, the image is graded for a third time.

Our aim is to provide a screening appointment that is as convenient as possible, therefore, alongside the fixed screening sites at Barnsley and Rotherham Hospitals, we also attend a number of community venues. Please contact us for further information regarding our community venue locations and clinic details.

Updated:  December 2024

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