Breathe Service

Date: 16 August 2021

The Breathe in the Community Service transferred from BHNFT to SWYPFT on the 1st July 2021. The nursing team are now based within their neighbourhood areas and are in the process of arranging appointments with GP practices to introduce themselves and to discuss the support they can offer.

The service provides community-based specialist respiratory nursing input to patients with a diagnosed respiratory condition in patients’ homes and in community clinics across the six neighbourhoods. The team are available to accept referrals from primary care, offer advice and guidance and to speak with the practice team to provide more information about our service offer. Referral proformas are available on the BEST website and via your practice clinical systems. We are in the process of updating the referral proformas to ensure as much information is uploaded from the patient record, these will be sent out when in due course.

The Breathe service is in the process of setting up weekly nurse-led respiratory clinics within the six neighbourhood areas. Clinics will offer:

 Specialist nursing respiratory assessment

 Long term oxygen therapy assessment

 Ambulatory oxygen assessment, including walk tests (commencing September 2021)

 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) testing clinics (commencing September 2021) – referral and pathway information to follow.

Please contact the Single Point of Access (SPA) via the following email address  or via phone on 01226 644575 or for any urgent matters or to make a patient referral into the service.

For any non-urgent advice and guidance queries these can be sent to the service’s specific email address: