NHSE Diabetes Prevention Programme NDPP
Did you know that there are currently five million people in England who are at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes? If these trends persist, one in ten will go on to develop Type 2 diabetes, which evidence shows in many cases is preventable.
As well as the human cost, Type 2 diabetes treatment accounts for just under 9% of the annual NHS budget, around £8.8 billion per year!
THE NHS England Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) is a pro-active, behavioural change programme for patients identified at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
One referral now could save future time and costs
Know your risk header title Finding out your risk of Type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes. It could be the most important thing you do today. By completing this tool, in England you may be eligible for the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. - https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start
The following video has also been shared publicly providing a brief insight as to what patient’s can expect from the virtual sessions and the programme itself here
To practices – reduction in the risk of their patients developing Type 2 Diabetes and the ongoing associated increased time/resource management of patient monitoring ie.
- Additional practice and secondary care appointments
- Blood testing
- Foot checks
- Urine tests
- Blood pressure
- Glucose monitoring
- Cholesterol
- Referrals to screening/support services
To patients – reduced risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and complications associated with, by way of a 9 month intervention programme providing the tools, resources and ongoing support required to implement and maintain lifestyle changes, including:
- Nutrition for health
- Physical activity
- Problem-solving
- 18 years old and over
- Registered with a GP practice in <XXXX>
- HbA1c between 42-47 mmol/mol (6.0%-6.4%) OR
Fasting Plasma Glucose between 5.5-6.9 mmols/l
- Not pregnant
Practices are asked to drive patient referrals by means of identifying patients via:
- a) Health Checks
- b) Opportunistic
- c) Retrospective search of clinical systems to identify eligible patients, with an elevated blood result within the last 12 months, then sending the patient an NDPP Patient Invitation Letter (see next section)
Practices can refer their patients, via the following methods, all of which should be available and auto-populated from your local clinical systems for ease of use.
- a) NDPP Referral Form (See Resources)
- b) NDPP Patient Invitation Letter (See Resources)
Additionally patients can ‘self-refer’ themselves directly if they are in receipt of either of the above documents by registering on-line at http://reedmomenta.co.uk/healthieryou/ or by telephoning 0800 0921191
Once a referral has been received by the Provider they will take responsibility for all patient contact and arrangements so there is no more for you to do from that point on. Quarterly updates on the patients progress will be provided to a nominated practice nhs.net account and once a patient completes the programme, you will be notified so that you can monitor them going forward as you may previously have done.
Service provider REED Wellbeing healthieryou.syandb@nhs.net Telephone 0800 092 1191
For any clinical system queries, please log a call on the IT Service Self Portal https://itselfservice.embedhealth.co.uk/ using the link “Clinical Software Service Request”
Accessing the service
- Tel: 0800 0921191
- Email: healthieryou.syandb@nhs.net
- Web: http://reedmomenta.co.uk/healthieryou/
Clinical support group
Endocrine and Diabetes
Clinical support area
Service typeDiabetes
ProviderOther organisations
Telephone0800 0921191
Email address
Conditions and indicators
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