TADS-Therapies for Anxiety, Depression and Stress for young persons service

Therapies for Anxiety, Depression and Stress - Young Persons Wellbeing Project 

The project is available to young persons between the ages of 11-18 years.

To access the service a drop in session is available between 3.30pm to 4.30pm on a Tuesday, 'as it says on the tin', just drop in and see us.

A 6 week Wellbeing Workshop is run which teaches young people different ways to handle their issues

An 8 week Wellbeing Workshop is run for 7-11 years on Mondays with a cost of £40 for the 8 weeks.  The office can be contacted to book a place.

TADS are now able to offer free counselling session to people aged 16 to 30.  These sessions can cover any issues that are relevant to the person and not necessarily mental health issues.  The session will be held at their offices at 11 Churchfield Court, Barnsley, S70 2JT.

An example of the referral form is attached fo information, when making a referral lease use the form within your clinical system. 


Accessing the service

TADS (Therapies for Anxiety, Depression and Stress)

11 Churchfield Court

Churchfield Road


S70 2JT

Who should be referred

Anybody can refer to the service, including self referral 

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