e-Learning opportunities

Clinical support area
  • Pathophysiology of diabetes

    1 hour

    Endocrine and Diabetes

  • Patient confidentiality and disclosing information

    30 minutes

    Laboratory investigations and Infections

    Learn about legal and ethical aspects of patient confidentiality, when this duty might be breached, and when you need to ask for advice.

  • Patient safety in primary care

    30 minutes

    Laboratory investigations and Infections

    Understand the importance of patient safety and how to involve patients and the primary care team to imporving patient care.

  • Perianal abscess

    30 minutes

    GastroenterologyLaboratory investigations and Infections

    This article provides information on the causes and different types of perianal abscess, and an update on how they are best managed

  • Personality disorder

    1 hour

    Brain and mental health

    The purpose of this activity is to review the definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment options for people with personality disorder.

  • Phaeochromocytoma: diagnostic challenges for biochemical screening and diagnosis

    1 hour

    Endocrine and Diabetes

    This is a series of multiple choice questions to accompany the article Phaeochromocytoma: diagnostic challenges for biochemical screening and diagnosis " from the Journal of Clinical Pathology "

  • Plantar fasciitis

    1 hour

    Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology

    The purpose of this activity is to review the anatomy, pathology, risk factors and management options in plantar fasciitis

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica

    1 hour

    Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology

    The purpose of this activity is to review the epidemiology of polymyalgia rheumatica as well as how to assess and treat the condition.

  • Polymyalgia rheumatica: diagnosis and management in primary care

    30 minutes

    Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology

    A practical guide to recognising symptoms of polymalgia rheumatica and providing subsequent treatment

  • Postnatal health in primary care

    30 minutes

    Women's and Sexual Health

    This podcast will help you understand why postnatal morbidity is an important issue, and advice and support you can give

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