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BEST Website Updates

In this section of the BEST website I will inform you of the NEW content that is clinically relevant 

Medicines related newsletters will appear in the Medicines & Prescribing section top tab.

General Newsletters will appear in the NEWS section half way down the HOME page

New Content April 2024

Ketamine Survey
Barnsley Recovery Steps is asking for your help to build a picture of ketamine awareness in Barnsley.

Adult epilepsy Nursing Service 
under Services - contains inclusion/exclusion criteria updates / contact number and gives you a chance to see the Referral form content 

Palliative Care Formulary 
he Palliative Care Formulary has been updated on the Palliative Care - and on demand drugs page 
This page is under Local pathways

Podiatry Referral form
The inclusion/ exclusion Criteria have been updated on the form
The Referral form can be found on the Podiatry / foot care service page 

New Content March 2024

Osteoporosis / Bone Health /Biphosphonates 
this page has been updated under Local guidelines / Prescribing Guidelines
It is where you will find the updated Osteoporosis in Primary Care -summarised pathway

DOS -Osteoporosis referral to secondary care - inclusion/ exclusion criteria 
his document includes the inclusion/ exclusion criteria for referral into the Osteoporosis secondary care services .
The importance of Dental check prior to referral is essential
Ensure Calcium and Vitamin D values are normal / corrected prior to referral / and prior to any repeat DEXA scans .

Adult Rheumatology Referral Guidelines - produced by the British Society of Rheumatology
this has been added to the national guidelines - Rheumatology section 

CKD Pathway
This has been updated . Awaiting APC approval 
Importance of ticking "CKD Monitoring KFRE" box in ICE
KFRE = Kidney Failure Risk Equation 
Referral to be considered if KFRE > 5 % 

TB new patient Referrals
Health Integration team

New Content February 2024

Change to Immunology blood test provision
ove from Rotherham to Sheffield
extra blood bottle needed
sample kept for a month in Sheffield
list of blood test affected listed in document 

NEW Migraine Management in Primary Care 
ew pathway produced by Sheffield Neurology Consultant 

The SY ICB Position Statement on the Prescribing of Gabapentinoids (IMOC Approved) 

UPDATED AKI - Post hospital admission GP guidance 

UPDATED Barnsley Self-Care Guidance, Guidance on conditions for which over the counter items should not routinely be prescribed in primary care

UPDATED antimicrobial prescribing guidelines summary 

UPDATED Hypertension - antihypertensive medication (APC approved) prescribing guideline

NEW Denosumab shared care guidelines 

UPDATED Oral tablets alternatives - swallowing problems/tube feeding prescribing guideline

UPDATED 2WW referral form examples 

NEW Frailty resources

NEW Information for Deaf Patients in Primary Care 

NEW Mucolytic Prescribing Guideline

UPDATED pregabalin guidelines 

UPDATED Gender Dysphoria shared care guideline

UPDATED blood glucose test strip guidance

UPDATED Prucalopride Shared Care Guidline

NEW Referral Criteria First Contact Physio 

UPDATED Optometry First Service updated 

NEW Videos from January 2022 BEST event 

NEW Iron Deficiency Anaemia pathway 

NEW Guidance for Oral paracetamol dosing

Updated Primary Care Antimicrobial Guidance 

UPDATED Bath additives and Shower emollients position statement 

UPDATED Needles for pre-filled and reusable pens position statement

UPDATED Insulin pen needles position statement

UPDATED Vitamin D in Children Guidance 

UPDATED Pregabalin Guidelines for Neuropathic pain 

UPDATED Guidance on use of strong Opioids - Opiod Comparison 

UPDATED Asthma treatment algorithm 

NEW Videos for November BEST meeting 

NEW Prescribing of ONS in Dysphagia 

NEW Patient Information Trial of stopping overactive bladder drug 

NEW Palliative care clinical guidance PPI and alternatives to subcutaneous Ranitidine 

NEW Bronchiolitis pathway for children

NEW Bronchiolitis advice for children

NEW Service Compass Bereavement for Children, young people and familie

NEW Bronchiolitis in children pathway and patient leaflet

UPDATED GLP-1 agonists shared care guidelines

UPDATED Breathe Service information and referral forms 

UPDATED Heart Failure specialist Nurse referral form 

UPDATED Barnsley Diabetes Guidelines 

NEW IPC Website for Barnsley

UPDATED Last days of life – prescribing anticipatory subcutaneous medications

UPDATED Last days of life – symptom management guidance

UPDATED Vitamin D guidance (ADULTS)

UPDATED Diagnosing diabetes - which test should be used?

NEW Cinacalcet for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Adults Shared Care Protocol

NEW Fat Emulsions guidance

NEW Nutrition and wound care advice for carers

NEW Guidance for switching phyllocontin 

UPDATED Barnsley Antibiotic guidance 

UPDATED Roflumilast shared care 

UPDATED Midodrine Amber-G guidance

UPDATED Amber-G Guidance Naoloxegol 

UPDATED Adult Oral Nutritional Supplements guidance

UPDATED Prostate Cancer: Shared Care Amber-G LHRH analogues / Cyproterone / Bicalutamide

UPDATED Shared care protocol Antipsychotics in adults 

UPDATED Wound care / Tissue viability poster

NEW Local Guidance - Gestational diabetes primary care follow up 

NEW Prescribing Formulary - Barnsley Public Health Nursing 0-19 Service Prescribing Formulary 

NEW Referral Form - Gender Identity Development Service ( GIDS )

UDATED Guidance - BRILS Blood Sciences: Change to Urine Protein method

UPDATED Guidance - Advice for parents of sick children

UPDATED Guidance - Mouth Care Management End of Life

UPDATED Guideline - Treatment of Anxiety in Primary Care

UPDATED Amber G Shared Care Guideline - Acamprosate

UPDATED Amber G Shared Care Guideline - Disulfiram

UPDATED Share Care Guideline - Naltrexone

UPDATED Shared Care Guideline - DMARD's 

UPDATED Prescribing and Medication review Guidance - Vitamin B Co and Vitamin B Co Strong 

UPDATED Amber G Shared Care Guideline - Ivabradine 

UPDATED Shared Care Guidelines - Entresto in the management of chronic heart failure

UPDATED Amber G Shared Care Guideline - Insulin Aspart (FIASP) in the management of chronic heart failure

NEW Consent Form - Flu Vaccination Consent for care homes residents 

NEW Guidance - Oral Ranitidine out of stock guidance 

UPDATED Referral Form - Heart Failure Specialist Nursing Service Referral 

UPDATED Referral Form - Heart Failure Diagnostic Clinic 

UPDATED Prescribing Guideline - Febuxostat

UPDATED Prescribing Guideline - Orlistat 

UPDATED Guideline - Management of stable COPD 

UPDATED Prescribing Guideline - Linezolid

UPDATED Amber G Shared Care Guideline - Anastrozole, Tamoxifen and Raloxifene 

UPDATED Local guideline - GFF smoking cessation 

UPDATED Local guideline - GFF weight management 

NEW Service - Out of Hours Cervical Screening 

NEW Patient information - Upper GI Service 

UPDATED Patient information - Cardiac Rehabilitation 

UPDATED referral form - Cardiac rehabilitation 

UPDATED Patient information - Free mental health workshops new dates 

UPDATED Local guideline - Safeguarding flowchart and contacts adults and children 

UPDATED Local guideline - Heavy Menstrual Bleeding 

UPDATED - change to eGFR calculation

NEW Patient Information - E.Coli infection control 

NEW Patient Information - how can constipation in children be prevented 

UPDATED Patient Information - advanced statements and Advanced decisions 

NEW Local Guideline - Cervical screening for transgender female to male patients 


New Content added - November 2019

UPDATED - Safeguarding Flowchart adults and children

UPDATED Service - BREATHE Service contacts

UPDATED National Guideline - Guide to symptom Management in Palliative Care 

UPDATED Service - Biochemistry consultant contracts 

UPDATED Referral form - Urology 2WW

UPDATED Referral form - Lower GI 2WW

UPDATED Referral form - Upper GI 2WW


New Content added - October 2019 

NEW Patient information - Colorectal telephone triage assessment 

NEW Service - Iron deficiency anemia 

UPDATED Patient information - PSA testing and prostate cancer 

UPDATED Service - new consultant contacts for biochemistry

UPDATED Referral form - IV teicoplanin for treatment of cellulitis 


New Content added - September 2019

NEW Service - Umbrella Mental health /LD support 

NEW Diagnostic tool - classification of cellulitis 

NEW service / local pathway - Cancer care reviews 

UPDATED Referral form - IAPT prescription pad 

UPDATED patient information - IAPT workshops 


New Content added - August 2019 

UPDATED Service and Referral from - NDPP 

UPDATED Schedule - Routine immunisations autumn 2019 

UPDATED Referral Forms - 2ww 

UPDATED Pathway - Barnsley asthma treatment algorithm for adults

UPDATED Shared Care - Ranolazine shared care guideline


New Content added - July 2019 

UPDATED REFERRAL FROM - Pulmonary Rehabilitation 

NEW PATHWAY - Barnsley Vague Symptoms Pathway 

NEW NATIONAL GUIDANCE - Ulcerative Colitis Flare Pathway

NEW NATIONAL GUIDANCE - Crohn's Disease Flare Pathway

Screening and Immunisation updates 


New Content added - June 2019 



Updated IAPT
 prescription pad

NEW DATES ADDED - Mental health workshops


New Content added - May 2019 

UPDATED REFERRAL Form - MSK e-referral 

Skin barrier protection pathway - prevention and management of moisture associated skin damage 

NEW SERVICE - free HPV vaccine for men who have sex with men 

NEW SERVICE & REFERRAL FROM - Perinatal Mental Health 

NEW SERVICE - IV Teicoplanin for treatment of cellulitis 


New Content added - April 2019 

NEW SERVICE Young Peoples Substance Misuse Service 

NEW SERVICE Neurological Physiotherapy Out-Patient Service

Macmillan Educational Events in Barnsley 

NEW PATIENT INFOGeneral advice for parents of sick children

Changes to IFR and Commissioning for Outcomes checklists 


Nov 2018

How to use the " BEST Website" Videos

 Below is a Collection of Videos that will show how to access and explore the various sections of the BEST website; helping you to discover the amazing content that lies within....

 Just click on the blue titles and they will direct you straight to the video page. 

1. Brief Summary of the HOME page content 

2. How to access the BEST website 

3. Creating an Account.

4. The SEARCH box


6. Main Clinical Content of the BEST website

7. BEST talks.

8. BMJ e-learning modules

9. Appraisal - blank / structured useful documents 

10. Practice Information

11. Nurses



BMJ e-Learning modules 

Click on the title above to take you to the detailed page
Video below shows how to access the BMJ e learning modules .



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