e-Learning opportunities

Clinical support area
  • Smoking cessation and reduction in people with chronic mental illness

    1 hour

    Brain and mental healthRespiratory and Smoking

    The purpose of this activity is to review the epidemiology of smoking in people with chronic mental illness and the most appropriate treatment options available to encourage smoking cessation in people with schizophrenia, depression, anxiety disorders, an

  • Smoking cessation: promotion in primary care

    1 hour

    Respiratory and Smoking

    A module on smoking cessation through consultations, non-drug behavioural therapy and pharmacotherapy.

  • Sore throat: diagnostic picture tests

    1 hour

    Ophthalmology and ENT

    Test your ability to diagnose and manage a patient with an acute sore throat, and learn the possible complications.

  • Specific mental health conditions: a guide for practice nurses

    1 hour

    Brain and mental health

    This module gives a brief overview of some, but by no means all, mental health conditions that practice nurses might meet in primary care. It is hoped that you will then have a better understanding of how these patients are affected in their day to day li

  • Spirometry in practice

    1 hour

    Respiratory and Smoking

    This module explains what spirometry involves and how to perform it, and its importance in diagnosing and managing respiratory disorders.

  • Stable angina: drug management in primary care

    1 hour

    Cardiovascular and Lipids

    A module outlining the diagnosis and pharmaceutical management of angina in primary care, and referral pathways for specialist review.

  • Starting patients on oral anticoagulants in primary care: how to do it

    1 hour

    Cardiovascular and Lipids

    This module provides essential information for healthcare professionals in primary care on starting oral anticoagulants safely and effectively. It is based on the best available evidence.

  • Statins

    10 minutes

    Cardiovascular and Lipids

    This module explores statins, their current guidelines, and major side effects. Plus, learn what to tell patients about statin treatment.

  • Step by step: A guide to diagnosing heart failure

    1 hour

    Cardiovascular and Lipids

    This module offers a practical, step by step guide for GPs on making a diagnosis of heart failure when a patient presents with suggestive symptoms in primary care. It covers how to spot the diagnosis, ruling out important differential diagnoses, what test

  • Step by step: diabetes in pregnancy

    1 hour

    Endocrine and DiabetesWomen's and Sexual Health

    A practical guide on diagnosis and management of gestational diabetes, plus how to advise - and when to refer - women with pre-existing diabetes who wish to become pregnant. Covers all of the key recommendations of the 2015 NICE guideline.

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