e-Learning opportunities

Clinical support area
  • Tachyarrhythmias - an introduction to irregular narrow complex tachyarrhythmias

    1 hour

    Cardiovascular and Lipids

    A module to help you understand irregular narrow complex tachyarrhythmias, focusing on atrial fibrillation, the basic mechanisms, initial management, and available treatments.

  • Tadalafil for benign prostatic hyperplasia

    1 hour

    Renal, Urology and Men's Health

    This is a series of multiple choice questions to accompany the article Tadalafil for benign prostatic hyperplasia" from the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin "

  • Targinact for restless legs syndrome

    1 hour

    Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology

    This is a series of multiple choice questions to accompany the article Targinact for restless legs syndrome" from the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin "

  • Temporomandibular disorders

    1 hour

    Ophthalmology and ENT

    The purpose of this activity is to give non-specialists an overview of the diagnosis and management of temporomandibular disorders.

  • Tennis elbow: diagnosis and treatment

    1 hour

    Dermatology, MSK and Rheumatology

    A module on diagnosing tennis elbow following examination of the joint, and the available options for management.

  • Testicular germ cell tumours

    1 hour

    Renal, Urology and Men's HealthCancer, Palliative Care, Pain and Older People

    The purpose of this activity is to review the epidemiology, types, presenting features, investigation, prognosis, and longer term effects of testicular germ cell cancer and its treatment.

  • Testing for HIV in general practice in the UK

    1 hour

    Women's and Sexual HealthLaboratory investigations and Infections

    Manage HIV testing by identifying which groups are to be offered routine testing, and how to counsel and manage HIV positive patients

  • Testosterone deficiency - diagnosis and management

    30 minutes

    Endocrine and DiabetesRenal, Urology and Men's Health

    Understand how common testosterone deficiency is, what the typical causes and associated conditions are and follow-up treatment

  • The acute surgical abdomen in children

    1 hour


    Learn how to recognise the common causes of the acute surgical abdomen in children and when children need urgent surgery.

  • The cell biology of bone metabolism: a review

    1 hour

    Dermatology, MSK and RheumatologyLaboratory investigations and Infections

    This is a series of multiple choice questions to accompany the article The cell biology of bone metabolism: a review" from the Journal of Clinical Pathology "

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